Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hooray for potties!

While I’m not yet holding my breath, it appears as though we have finally turned a corner in the potty training progress.  Three whole days without accidents!  And the C.T. is telling us when she needs to go!  Hallelujah!!  [Yes, I know I’m going a little wild with the exclamation points – but don’t you think this development merits it?]

Monday, January 7, 2008

Potty training progress

I’ll probably regret writing this (Murphy’s Law and all), but it is looking like there is FINALLY some progress on the potty training front.  The Cutest Thing is almost three and a half, and up till now has demonstrated remarkably little interest in peeing on the potty.  She’s made BM’s on the potty regularly for the past three to four months, but could care less about being wet.  We’ve tried stickers, candy, wearing underwear inside of pull-ups, “naked days” and more – all to no avail.  We put all potty training attempts on hold during the holidays, going back to just pull-ups and have now started up again.  The latest rule in our house is that the C.T. may not wear pull-ups at home – just big girl underwear.  We put the kitchen rug in the basement, put waterproof mattress pads on the sofas, invested in a Spot bot, and are generally prepared for whatever cleanup is required.  When she uses the potty she gets candy and also gets what is proving to be the most effective reward – TV time.  On Saturday, she had three accidents.  Yesterday, she had only one.  And as of the time I dropped her off at daycare this morning, the C.T. had been dry for 24 hours (not counting night time).  The biggest indicator of progress was when she actually told me this morning that she needed to use the potty – the first time she has ever said that first thing in the morning, which is typically the grumpiest part of the day.  I am realistic, and know that it was only because she wanted to watch TV, but I still think it was progress.  Here’s hoping for more of the same in the future!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted last – things got so hectic at the end of December. 

First the Cutest Thing got sick, then I got sick, then we had the Christmas Invasion (I think the last count was 28 people at my mom’s house for Christmas dinner).  And now the New Year is here, and life should be returning to normal.  I’ve been telling everyone that I love December and Christmas – and I love when it’s all over too. 

New Year’s Eve was a little anti-climatic for us.  I don’t really like driving that far on New Years Eve, so we end up avoiding most parties.  In the past, my parents (who live a few minutes away) always had a pretty low-key gathering that I enjoyed, just some friends getting together to play cards and ring in the New Year.  But for the past few years, my parents have started leaving for their annual trek to the tropics on the last Saturday of December rather than the first Saturday of January, leaving us in the lurch for New Years.  We invited my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law over, which was fun – but they fizzled out at about 10:30.  We (I should say “I”, since it was my idea) also made the mistake of letting the C.T. stay up as long as she wanted, assuming that she would collapse about 9:00 or so.  No such luck.  She spent the evening winding herself up higher and higher so that by 11:00 she was completely hyperactive, out of control, and on the verge of losing her balance with every step.  I decided that it was time to put her to bed, but it took almost an hour to scrape her off the walls and calm her down enough for sleeping.  Of course, just as she was about to drop off, she was woken up because Mr. Fabulous poked his head into her room so he could tell me that it was almost midnight.  As a result, the first minutes of 2008 saw me trying to calm the C.T. back down upstairs while Mr. Fabulous got to watch the ball drop by himself on the TV downstairs.  Not the big romantic New Year’s Eve we all dream about.

Oh well – there’s always next year.  The silver lining was that the C.T. slept like a rock until after 9:00 the next morning – so we did get to sleep in!

And now we return to “normal” – whatever that is – for a while.  Of course, since Mr. Fabulous is a CPA, the next big hurdle is tax season.  I think this is going to be a difficult one since I also expect to be working more than normal due to the fact that we are understaffed at work and one of the other attorneys in my group is due to go on maternity leave starting in a few weeks.  I try not to get jealous that in the eighteen months since we submitted our dossier to China, my coworker got married, got pregnant, and will give birth while our wait for our next child has only gotten longer and longer, with no end in sight.  But that’s a topic for another post.

Happy New Year!