Monday, January 7, 2008

Potty training progress

I’ll probably regret writing this (Murphy’s Law and all), but it is looking like there is FINALLY some progress on the potty training front.  The Cutest Thing is almost three and a half, and up till now has demonstrated remarkably little interest in peeing on the potty.  She’s made BM’s on the potty regularly for the past three to four months, but could care less about being wet.  We’ve tried stickers, candy, wearing underwear inside of pull-ups, “naked days” and more – all to no avail.  We put all potty training attempts on hold during the holidays, going back to just pull-ups and have now started up again.  The latest rule in our house is that the C.T. may not wear pull-ups at home – just big girl underwear.  We put the kitchen rug in the basement, put waterproof mattress pads on the sofas, invested in a Spot bot, and are generally prepared for whatever cleanup is required.  When she uses the potty she gets candy and also gets what is proving to be the most effective reward – TV time.  On Saturday, she had three accidents.  Yesterday, she had only one.  And as of the time I dropped her off at daycare this morning, the C.T. had been dry for 24 hours (not counting night time).  The biggest indicator of progress was when she actually told me this morning that she needed to use the potty – the first time she has ever said that first thing in the morning, which is typically the grumpiest part of the day.  I am realistic, and know that it was only because she wanted to watch TV, but I still think it was progress.  Here’s hoping for more of the same in the future!!

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