Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy days are here again!

I love living in Colorado. Yes, it can be cold and snowy one day. But the next it will be gorgeous and sunny and WARM! It was warm enough yesterday and today to let the C.T. wear her new sundresses to school, which pleased her convinced-she-is-a-princess-just-call-her-Jasmine self to bits. And . . . IT'S APRIL 15 TODAY!!!!! I get my husband back! The C.T. gets her dad back! The agony that is tax season is over for another year! HURRAH!!!

Now we get to decide on summer projects for the house. Mr. Fabulous loves trees, and thinks our yard is pretty bare, so I'm sure there will be some tree planting going on. My top priority summer project is painting the family room. I've been planning on doing it ever since we moved into this house two years ago. But it's got really high ceilings and stairs with really high ceilings. The high walls by themselves don't faze me - I'm OK with ladders. But . . . the high wall that goes along the stairway has been very perplexing. I'm going to have to do serious research about the kind of scaffolding or special ladder we will need to do the two-story wall along the stairs.

Of course, the other big obstacle to painting the room is color choice. I'm indecisive enough when it comes to paint colors - but usually I can tell myself that if I don't like the paint color, we can paint over it. It doesn't help that (1) the room will be such a huge pain to paint that I will probably never want to paint it again and (2) this room literally leads into almost every other room in the house (it's a pretty open floor plan) and will have to coordinate with many of them. So, I'm thinking of being timid and just going for plain white. That will give us the most options for decorating and coordinating. I don't know. Mostly I just want to get rid of the yellow, which is one of my least favorite colors.

1 comment:

Marin (AntiM) said...

I really dig the very light ecru/beige/mocha walls (with white trim, so you can see they aren't just white) in my place. It's a little warmer than stark white, but reads as white to the casual observer.

My $0.02