Saturday, April 19, 2008

Instant karma

Did you ever say something one day that came back to bite you right away? On Friday, Mr. Fabulous took the day off from work and took the C.T. to the zoo. She hasn’t had an accident in a while, but I still pack spare outfits just in case. Mr. Fabulous called me en route to the zoo and mentioned that he had packed spare underwear for the C.T., but no other clothes. I laughed, and said that if the C.T. needed a change of underwear, she would need a change of pants as well – that she couldn’t possibly have an accident that required only new underwear.

Fast forward to Friday night. We went to see my nephew’s middle school production of Oliver (in which he played Oliver, and did very well indeed – good job A!). During intermission, I took the C.T. to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and managed to keep her legs so tightly together that the pee went down her legs and, you guessed it, soaked her underwear while leaving her pants completely dry. Fortunately my aunt was a couple of stalls over, so I was able to get her to have Mr. Fabulous get the spare underwear that he had so fortuitously packed out of the car and bring it to us. As I waited in the middle of the packed bathroom trying to keep my half-naked preschooler from running out into the halls and streaking through the theater, one very kind woman passed by, patted me on the shoulder, and said “Don’t worry – in a couple of years you’ll laugh about this” Little did she know that I already was.

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