Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's the final countdown!

One week and counting until tax day. This past weekend was made more difficult by the fact that the C.T. had a nasty cold. It first manifested on Friday, when Mr. Fabulous picked her up at daycare. She had a runny nose, was flushed, hot to the touch (a 102 temperature it turned out later), and half asleep on a bean bag chair grumping at any of her classmates who wanted to play with her. When Mr. Fabulous asked the afternoon teacher if she had called me, she said no - it was probably just hayfever. WTF?!?!??! Needless to say, I have since complained to the powers that be about this teacher's lack of attention to the SICK CHILD in her care.

The worst was Saturday night, when her fever spiked to 103.5, she was crying uncontrollably, complaining of pain in her ears, her head, her back, and her tummy. When she vomitted and started to complain that she felt like she was falling every time she stood up, I decided a trip to urgent care was in order. Four hours we spent there - from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm. They poked and prodded, took tests, dug two slugs of earwax the size of beetles out of her ears (NOT a pleasant experience for anyone involved) so they could determine whether she had an ear infection or not. And after all that, she got two popsicles and a piece of paper that basically said "we have examined your child and determined that she has a cold. Have a nice day!"

Sigh. I had already planned on taking Monday off for a mother-daugher bonding day. I just didn't expect that it would all take place on the sofa watching one Disney movie after another. Mulan. Mulan 2. Madeline. Jungle Book. Strawberry Shortcake. Mary Poppins. Please kill me now!

Fortunately, she has since completely recovered from the fevers. Alas, she has yet to recuperate from the relapse to normal TV viewing restrictions. With constant monitoring, however, the prognosis looks good.

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